[Fredslist] Help regarding Social Security Disability/SSI benefits

Barbara Kessler Barbara at lifeinfocusllc.com
Fri Nov 7 09:32:06 EST 2014

Wow!  As a new member, this was my first request on Fred's List.  I am
overwhelmed by the generosity of the Tribe and the response I have received
to help me with the Social Security/Disability benefits application for my
friend.  I will be reaching out tomorrow to follow up.  Thanks again.  I am
so grateful to be part of this group.

Thank you.

Barbara Kessler

Barbara Kessler, Esq., ACC
Life in Focus
Barbara at lifeinfocusllc.com

Treasurer &
Director of Corporate Compliance,
ICF--LI (formerly Long Island Coaching Alliance)

Hello Tribe:  A friend of mine needs a kidney transplant and I am trying to
help her get the Social Security Disability/SSI benefits.  I have some
questions about the application.  Can anyone help me or refer me to someone
who can?

​Thanks in advance.

Barbara Kessler​

Barbara Kessler, Esq., ACC
Life in Focus
Office: 516-625-0542
Fax: 516-621-0488
Barbara at lifeinfocusllc.com

Treasurer &
Director of Corporate Compliance,
ICF--LI (formerly Long Island Coaching Alliance)

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