[Fredslist] Evan Lister Steps Up to the Plate - Part Deux!

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Thu Mar 20 11:59:21 EDT 2014

But wait... there’s more
Evan Lister is also signing on as the new Group Coordinator. His Plate is

I will be stepping away from the GC position now that the Dinner Group is on
solid ground and fully chartered. This coincides with my “busy season” where
I travel at least one week out of every month, so I really appreciate Evan’s
agreement to take on the GC rôle.

I continue my involvement with Gotham from my home base: the terrific :
Gotham New Haven group led by Marc Halpert!

Further to “I don’t know why you say Goodbye
I say Hello!”

Connecticut Dinner Group next meeting: March 26th

New Haven Gotham next meeting: April 8th


Tessa Marquis
Member, Gotham New Haven
[Soon to be Ex-}Group Coordinator, Connecticut Gotham Dinner Group

“It is Better to Give than to Receive”
“Whatever Goes around, Comes around”


 <http://www.newstandardinstitute.com/> New Standard Institute, Inc.

Specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Skills and Maintenance Management
“Training that Works
for People who Work”

84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
203.783.1582 x101 
 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>
tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 


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