[Fredslist] Health Insurance for a friend

Otto otto at secure-bits.com
Sun Mar 16 08:12:59 EDT 2014

When ACA has become the law of the land, it mandated that insurers provide
policies, that comply with the Affordable Care Ac. In preparation to ACA
becoming the law, healthinsurance companies sent out cancellation notices
for the non-ACA compliant policies by the end of last year. That has caused
an uproar and put the president on the spot, since he and other democrats
said during the election, that "If you like your health insurance plan, you
can keep it." Due to the uproar, the ACA had been updated with an amendment
that allows insurers to carry the non-ACA compliant policies into 2016.


Insurers are not forced/required by ACA to keep their non-compliant policies
intact, the amendment had given that option to them, but it is not mandated
to keep them. What the president said or referred to is, that you can keep
your insurance for two more year, if the insurance company continues to
carry your non-ACA compliant policy. 


In your friend's case, Healthy First Insurance decided to drop individual
policy coverage for everyone and sent out the termination of policy letters.
This has been a business decision, changing the profile of the business,
that has no ACA implications whatsoever.


The "ACA marketplace" healthinsurance policy has small providers network,
due to the reduced rates that it's scheduled to pay for the providers, or
doctors. As such, a substantial number of doctors did not sign up with the
ACA-compliant healthinsurance policies. In another word, they opted not to
receive a "pay cut" by the insurers. There's nothing in the ACA that would
force the doctors to accept ACA-compliant policies. 


I apologize for not being helpful,




From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Gideon Schein
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:43 AM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Health Insurance for a friend


Fellow Gothamites:


A friend of mine had Healthy First Insurance and is on a very limited
income.  As a result of the ACA Healthy First decided to drop individuals
and offer their plan only to small businesses.  Two weeks ago the president
said that people cannot their insurance for two more years.  Does this apply
here? Healthy First says that pronouncement does not apply to them. Assuming
it does who should she turn to?


Her doctors claim "they will accept no plan in the marketplace" Can that be


Thanks for your help.










Gideon Y. Schein, M.B.A., P.D.M.M.
Certified Professional Daily Money Manager
Partner, Eddy & Schein In-Home Administrators for SeniorsR
Life Keeping, Not Just BookkeepingR
Tel: 212-316-2214
Fax: 212-662-9909
gideon at eddyandschein.com
Member, American Association of Daily Money Managers
Member, National Association of Professional Organizers

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