[Fredslist] Lecture Sat. 3/22: Use your Wireless Devices More Safely

Teri Bloom teribloom at mac.com
Fri Mar 14 08:39:04 EDT 2014

Dear Gotham,

If you'd like to learn how to use you cellphone and wireless devices more safely, please consider attending my Saturday March 22nd lecture at 1 pm, being held at the New Life Expo at the Hotel Pennsylvania.  The lecture will be in the 6th floor Boardroom.

While we can't see, smell or taste wireless radiation signals -- they can potentially impact our health, energy and immune system. The World Health Organization has deemed wireless radiation a Class 2B possible human carcinogen.  This is critical information that needs to be known, especially for city dwellers, pregnant women and young parents.  We'll offer cellphone accessories that decrease wireless radiation, and introduce practical solutions for shielding your home to lessen wireless radiation, so that your body can rejuvenate during sleep.

The lecture is free but admittance to the Expo is $15 in advance or $20 at the door -- and there will be lots of great exhibitors and other lectures throughout the entire weekend as well.  https://www.newlifeexpo.com

While I am a professional photographer, I am also a certified EMF Remediation Consultant and trained in lowering elevated levels of Wifi and EMF radiation in homes and offices.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and best, Teri
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