[Fredslist] What a Party!

Shelley Simpson simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 16:29:36 EST 2014

If you judge the success of a party by the difficulty in quieting people down to hear announcements and the number still left at the end causing a backup at the coat check are two criteria, Gotham Holiday Party was an A+ Actually, by any criteria it was an A+ celebration.

 A big shout out to Debbie Lindner for all the behind the scenes organizing! Nancy and Mitch put on the best orientation ever - I've been to a few. Corey Bearak took care of signage acknowledging our sponsors. Thank you to our gracious and charming host and leader, Fred Klein and to Norman Spizz for his eventspertise.  Brett Deutsch, thank you for capturing the festivities in pictures. Paul Altizer the banquet manager and his staff at the Friars for making sure we were all well fueled for the evening.  If you weren’t there, take your swift kick to the self now and promise yourself you will attend next year.

 Norm Spizz was charged with calling quieting the revelers – not an easy task. Then Fred announced and gave out a new award, "The Special Giver" award, which went to Raj Goel. He didn't get to speak, but his smile said it all.  FYI, Raj often goes by the name "anonymous" when contributing generously to Gotham fundraising.

 Speaking of fundraising, over this “season of giving” we raised $22,000 - Wow! Checks for $5,500 were awarded to The Center For Therapeutic Riding nominated by East End member Jack Nadel; the Make A Wish Foundation of America nominated by Jeffrey Spiegel; Lawyers Resource Group member Bruce Swicker won for Lustgarten Foundation; and Real Estate Group member David Rubin for Safebase NY. 

 The recipient of the Red Bandana Award was Cindy Soma.  Cindy donated her kidney to save a life. Her advice “Don’t think about it, just do it!” This award and beautiful trophy is given annually by Jefferson Crowther in memory of his son Welles Remy Crowther who was killed saving lives at the Trade Towers on September 11th.  Welles, a volunteer firefighter, made three trips up into the Tower saving people. He was wearing a red bandanna which he carried in his back pocket to protect himself from the dust and smoke in case of fire.  He was in the lobby ready to go back up again when the building collapsed and he was killed.

 After quieting the crowd yet again, our networkers of the year, Liz Saldana and Larry Sprung were recognized. I don't think having the same initials went into the decision, but it is interesting how it worked out. Liz and Larry are the perfect choice for this award, having done so much for Gotham both on behalf of the organization and for individual members.  They live our Gotham’s mission every day so it was nice to see their hard work recognized. 

 After all the awards were given, it was back to the party, which really was more like a family reunion – well, what a family reunion should look like. 


Shelley Simpson
The JuicePlus+ Company
Juiceplus+ Energy & #onesimplestep


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