[Fredslist] Did you say "over"? ... Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Lucas Meyer lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com
Mon Aug 25 12:11:19 EDT 2014

Tomorrow evening, at 6pm, there will be an exclusive all-Gotham screening of the 1978 classic movie, "Animal House".  Venue is Friars, cost is $15 per person and popcorn and soda will be served.

Be there, or be square.

Lucas J. Meyer
5th Street Advisors, LLC
Registered Investment Advisor
34 Fifth Street
Stamford, CT  06905
voice:  203-327-1212 ext. 17
fax:      203-359-8122
lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com<mailto:lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com>

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