[Fredslist] Paying forward

Ester Horowitz witsowitz at verizon.net
Mon Aug 18 21:13:16 EDT 2014

It's a teachable moment.. Phyllis Newbert has been sheparding the call to
learn CPR at the Heart Saver Institute. The call includes bringing the
program to you.


One 13 year old young man learned CPR in the boy scouts.  While riding the
railroad last Thursday night he witnessed a passenger on the LIRR 5:53 out
of Penn Station heading to Ronkonkoma begin to feel queasy around Bethpage.

The passenger was my friend.  He sat down and the next think you know he
passed out.  He had a heart attack.  The boy scout, now 40+ years older and
accompanied by his son, who had no idea Dad knew CPR, sprung into action.


My friend was unconscious.  His eyes were rolled back.  There was no pulse.
He was not breathing   and he was ridged.  The Good Samaritan had no idea if
he could remember his boy scout training, but he also knew if he didn't do

My friend would not survive.  While other passengers contacted MTA and 911,
this Good Samaritan performed CPR.   The train was stopped at Bethpage.  My
friend was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital unconscious.  The Good Samaritan
and his son

simply got off at the next station in Farmingdale never knowing what happen
to my friend.  


As it turned out, it took them more than 30 minutes to revive my friend.  By
the time his wife and I arrived at the emergency room he was fine.

He had great color, he was joking, and he had no idea what had happen except
that his chest hurt from the CPR compressions.  He didn't remember anything
after feeling queasy. The next thing he knew he was in the hospital with
people calling out his name.   


It took us a few days to find the Good Samaritan but we did.  The story was
on PIX 11 and News 12 Sunday night.


How do you thank someone who made a choice some 40 years ago to earn a badge
in CPR that saved my friend's life literally.  You can't.  But you can
encourage everyone you know to remember that you never know when someone may
need CPR including yourself or a loved one.

I'm sure the Good Samaritan's son got an amazing lesson and his opinion of
his Dad is beyond anyone's wildest hope.  We are glad the Good Samaritan got
a chance to meet my friend and learn what really happen that day and how he
was an instrumental angel. 


I took Phyllis Newbert's CPR course.  If I were the one on that train, I
would not have hesitated either.  I would hope that if I were in my friend's
shoes, that someone else would do the same. 


Please sign up for one of Phyllis's CPR courses or find one local to you.
Encourage your clients, your colleagues, your co-workers, and your company
to offer it and participate.  Bring your children with you if they are
teenagers.    Do you want something interesting to do with your teenagers

and your friends one night?   Sign up for a CPR course.  The experience will
bring you closer to each other.  I did my course with Riva Schwartz.  We had
lunch together the other day with Phyllis.  There is something about 

knowing that you are equipped to handle saving someone's life that is so
empowering.  It's a gift that keeps on giving.  Best of all it is just so
darn easy.   The easiest thing you will ever do.  It's amazing how something
so simple saves lives.


Warmest Regards

Ester Horowitz

516 318-8655



Warmest Regards

Ester Horowitz

516 318-8655


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