[Fredslist] BIG SHOUT OUT to THANK Josh Zinder for a FABULOUS Tour of the Highline today!

Matt Plociak mattinmanhattan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 16:03:15 EDT 2014

HI Tribe,

Josh did a fabulous job today giving Gothamites a wonderful tour of the

My wife and I have been to the Highline several times, but Josh was able to
make it seem new, even more interesting, and special for us.

Josh's generous donation of his time for us Gothamites warrants reiterating
Josh's request.  If you have a client or contact who wants to buy or
develop property near the Highline please keep Josh in mind. His knowledge
of its history, environment, and unique community requires makes him well
qualified to help anyone seeking to develop near the Highline.

Josh, thanks again. It was a wonderful experience.

Best regards,

Matt P.
Gotham Downtown

917-282-0809 (mobile)

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