[Fredslist] Fwd: [Rockrap] Who'll win Yanks Skybox tix; Private cruise: You be the judge!

Fred Klein FKlein at kleinzelman.com
Tue Apr 29 15:56:51 EDT 2014

Karaoke is 5/8. See too prizes below.

Sent from
 my iPhone Fred

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vikram Rajan <vik at phoneBlogger.net<mailto:vik at phoneBlogger.net>>
Date: April 29, 2014, 3:04:32 PM EDT
To: "fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>" <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>>, "Rock Rap" <rockrap at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:rockrap at gothamnetworking.com>>
Subject: [Rockrap] Who'll win Yanks Skybox tix; Private cruise: You be the judge!

1st Prize: 4 Yankees Tickets in the Audi Skybox (thanks to Paul Napolitano)
+ Prize: Private Cruise for 6 from Port Wash to Statue of Liberty (tnx to Peter DeVilbiss)
Got other awesome prize ideas? Email Vik at phoneBlogger.net<mailto:Vik at phoneBlogger.net>!
Karaoke Judges: Norman Spizz (SPN Music), Beth Gotti (Trinet) & YOU (the audience!)
You don't have to sing & you don't have to be a member, but don't delay....
Gotham Karaoke is next Thursday; see below:

TICKETS ARE GOING FAST: CLICK HERE<https://gothamnetworking.isecuresites.com/group/gotham-karaoke> TO RESERVE YOURS NOW


"The 2014 Revival" aka Gotham's Got Soul

Silver Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsor:

 Scroll to the bottom to see how you can donate prizes!

DATE: Thurs, May 8th @ 6 PM until 8:30 PM
PLACE: The legendary Friar's Club (maybe you'll be discovered!)

  *   ☻Come & Perform ...

  *   ☻Come & Applaud .....

  *   ☻Come see Fred perform & out-do him!

Join MC Don Hochler & 59 of your Gotham friends & family...
All are invited: Members, friends of Gotham, family of members.

TICKETS: $50/pp (click here<https://gothamnetworking.isecuresites.com/group/gotham-karaoke> to buy)
includes hors d'oeuvres & Wine!
(As they say, "The more you drink, the better we sound!")

We need PRIZES & SPONSORS, please inquire:

~ Norman Spizz: nspizz at spnmusic.com<mailto:nspizz at spnmusic.com>
~ Don Hochler: don.hochler at hochlerlaw.com<mailto:don.hochler at hochlerlaw.com>
~ Vikram Rajan: vik at phoneBlogger.net<mailto:vik at phoneBlogger.net>
~ Steve Maggi: smaggi at smalawyers.com<mailto:smaggi at smalawyers.com>

TICKETS ARE GOING FAST: CLICK HERE<https://gothamnetworking.isecuresites.com/group/gotham-karaoke> TO RESERVE YOURS NOW

"Get publicity through a really fun event & Sponsor prizes for winners of Gotham Karaoke..."

$250 Bronze:
- Business name on all promo emails & website
- Listed with others at event
- Publicly thanked before & during event
- Invitation to donate for special mention at the awarding: "These prizes are specifically donated by..."

$500 Silver:
- Business highlighted on all promo emails & website, with website link
- Special highlight on placard at event
- Invited by MC to say a few words at start of event
- Invitation to donate for special mention at the awarding: "These prizes are specifically donated by..."
- Come to the front at the end, to help award Prizes to winners

$1000 Gold Title Sponsor:
- "Your Business" presents Gotham Karaoke 2014, with website link on all promotion
- Large highlight on placard at event
- You & the MC kick-off the event
- Invitation to donate for special mention at the awarding: "These prizes are donated by..."
- Come to the front at the end & lead the awarding of Prizes to winners, with MC

to sponsor, email vik at phoneBlogger.net<mailto:vik at phoneBlogger.net> or any one else listed above.

~Vik @ phoneBlogger.net<http://phoneBlogger.net>
Office: 646.845.9170
Cell: 516.642.4100

View<http://vcrd.co/vikram/1183> or Download vCard<http://vcrd.co/vikram/1183/d>
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Rockrap mailing list
Rockrap at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:Rockrap at gothamnetworking.com>
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