[Fredslist] The Buddy Zone

Catherine Stone catherine at chromasites.com
Fri Apr 25 17:07:33 EDT 2014

When I first heard that my CT Dinner Group had invited an ex-baseball
player as guest speaker, I yawned. Fine. I like watching baseball well
enough. Sometimes. Late in the season. Maybe.

I shouldn't have yawned. I really liked Buddy Biancalana, a retired, major
league baseball shortstop <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortstop>, and I
really enjoyed this dinner meeting. Buddy, whose last name translates into
English as "white wool" according to Google, didn't come off as one of
those snake oil, so-called inspirational speakers. He was actually kinda'
modest, lost his train of thought once in a while because his speech was
not canned, and seemed very balanced and very real. I think some of us
agreed with his ideas, others not so much, but he spawned a very
interesting business discussion and made me happy, once again, that I
joined Gotham this year as a brand-new member.

Buddy had to speak against the clink of knives and forks because the rest
of us were busy devouring a delicious, family-style meal at Madonia. We
ate, we were captivated AND we used our napkins. Multi-tasking even after

*Here's MY understanding of Buddy's story.* He liked playing baseball as a
kid, got to the pros, played shortstop, helped his team make it to the
World Series... and then win it, got on Letterman and other big shows, and
reached a level of fame he never imagined possible. He was in the zone. And
then, at the tender age of 27, found himself outside the gates looking in,
never to play play pro ball again.

Buddy says he spent the next 20 years trying to figure out what was
different about himself during those few, short years. He wanted to
understand if his "zone" was repeatable. He feels he found some answers
along the way through some scientifically-based brain studies, and decided
to share his findings through his book *7 Secrets of World Class Athletes*.
He also offers a course which helps clients apply his principles to
athletics or business.

Imagine being able to tap into "the zone" at will. Wouldn't you like to
know how to do THAT!

Congrats and thanks to all who helped organize this very good meeting,
especially Hans Hanson, Evan Lister and Carl Bulgini who have promised to
find lots more great speakers.

*[Promo] Put CT Dinner Group on your calendar for May 28th at 6:30.*



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Catherine Stone
cstone at chromasites.com
203 292 3605

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