[Fredslist] Triple Shoutouts: Liz Saldaña & Jane Beddall & Shelly Simpson

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Mon Apr 21 15:14:57 EDT 2014

Liz Saldaña – naturally! – managed to cut through the mess on my desk(top)
today with her reminder to “Check out my latest column in the Gotham
Gazette”. Not only did I take time out of my cluttered worklife to read her
article, I benefitted greatly by reading it. She reminded me of when I lived
in Manhattan and used to walk back & forth to work from my Westside
(Chelsea) apartment to Midtown
 and later on to the Upper Eastside. I was
much thinner as a result – along with my diet of Jack Daniels, Camel
unfiltered cigarettes, and snickers bars. It was such a pleasure to walk in
NY in the 70s, fewer megabuildings and more small businesses to peek into.


The profile by Shelly Simpson – who somehow gets you comfortable enough to
answer her very probing questions - of Jane Beddall was fabulous! It truly
captured Jane’s charm and wit. Can you meet her in person? Why yes you can.
She is a steady circuit rider and we proudly claim her for membership in the
Gotham New Haven Group. Next meeting? May 13th.

Thank you Liz for reminding me to take some time out to enjoy the Gazette
for a healthy (non cigarette) break from the busy-ness of business.


Tessa Marquis
Member, Gotham New Haven

“It is Better to Give than to Receive”
“Whatever Goes around, Comes around”


 <http://www.newstandardinstitute.com/> New Standard Institute, Inc.

Specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Skills and Maintenance Management
“Training that Works
for People who Work”

84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
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 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>
tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 


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