[Fredslist] Nature Abhors a Vacuum

Jim Weiss jweiss at mccollisters.com
Mon Oct 7 09:09:39 EDT 2013

Good morning, Gotham!

Just as nature abhors a vacuum, I abhor blank spots on my calendar. This
Thursday, I have slots to fill between 10:30 and 3:30. I could spend that
time smiling and dialing, but I'd much prefer to meet with fellow
Gothamites, and learn more about what they do.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament, please let me know, and
let's arrange a time and place for a one-on-one meeting!


Jim Weiss | *National Account Manager*
*Member,* *International Facility Management Association**

Direct: 917-426-1650
Toll Free: 800-257-9595
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