[Fredslist] Thanksgiving

Scott Marine roy at royscottmarine.com
Wed Nov 27 22:38:39 EST 2013

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday of the year.  It is a time to reflect
and give thanks for all that we have.  I have been to some places that are
somewhat less fortunate than us and on this day especially, I truly think
about the positive things in my life and what I need to be thankful for.


Last year about this time, life was insane.  Sandy had reared her ugly head.
Things were a mess.  Stress was at an all time high.  I had to cook for 30
people as some still didn't have power.  Tragedy had come knocking upon my
family with the loss of a 2 year old.  Yet somehow, out of all of this
insanity, there was a gathering.  On that day when so much seemed to be
wrong, we found a way to look and give thanks because even the difficulties
we faced individually and as a family paled compared to others and we found
things to be thankful for.  My cousin who lost his son found a way based on
this to form a foundation in his son's name and became a changed person.  It
was truly one of the most remarkable transformations in a person I have ever
witnessed.  It all started with a meal.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone....remember one thing to be thankful for,


Roy Scott

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