[Fredslist] Need help for my Holiday Trunk Show this Wednesday:

Gabrielle Carlson gabriellecarlson at verizon.net
Sat Nov 23 15:01:12 EST 2013

For my Holiday Trunk Show, which starts on Friday, 


I need some extra hands on Wednesday, November 27, from 10 to 3 to help move
a mini-van of my clothes and racks from my studio East 10th and First to the
Roger Smith Hotel, on Lexington at 47th.


And I'll need help for the move-out, likely on December 7.


It's a great job for a student or friend who's got a few hours and wants to
make a few dollars.  Please spread the word.


Gabrielle Carlson


Gabrielle Carlson

251 East 10th Street

New York NY 10009







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