[Fredslist] USO Remembrance Walk

Tom Gallin tomg at gallin.com
Mon Nov 4 12:32:33 EST 2013

In his effort to help our Blue and Gold Star Military Families,  my son Jake (11) has decided to walk again in the USO Remembrance Walk on 11/10.  Last year he raised just under $1,000 and this year we want to exceed that.

Please consider walking with us and making donation to help those who put themselves in harm's way and their families that wait for their return.

To sign up and make a donation please go to:  http://usonyc.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1083285&lis=1&kntae1083285=CC9EE81A8EDA4C4E8FD13F96ACB125C5&supId=364363351

To learn more about Jake's efforts to help our military families go to: www.starsforcars.org<http://www.starsforcars.org>

Tom Gallin, Jr.  LEED AP
John Gallin & Son, Inc.
Over 125 Years of Construction Excellence

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