[Fredslist] my seminar

Tony Guggino, CLU, ChFC tony at guggino.us
Wed Jun 26 15:31:45 EDT 2013

My seminar scheduled  for 6/25/13 had to be canceled because I hadn't 
gotten enough replies.

Thinking ahead to the Fall, please let me know if you would would be 
interested in attending my seminar on:

1) Fundamental Estate Planning

2) Life Insurance design and analysis of existing policies

3) Children's accounts: IE: UTMA, UGMA, Children's Giving Trusts & 
Annual Gift Tax Exclusions

4) Other issues;

    a) Parents' Concerns Over Long Term Care
    b) Foreign Citizen Issues
    c) Federal Estate Tax Legislation


Tony Guggino, CLU, ChFC
Chartered Financial Consultant

American Business	
45 w.45th Street
Suite 1500	
New York, NY 10036


tony at guggino.us

fax: 212-359-4399

Connect with me on Linked in

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