[Fredslist] Safari stories.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Jun 20 10:57:24 EDT 2013

One of the highlights of my life when I was in 1984 when on a humanitarian mission for the UN to East Africa: Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Zambia and Somalia (Zanzibar). I arrange for a safari while in Nairobi, Kenya to the Masai Mara region 
(southern Kenya, northern Serengetti). I got the last tent available at Governor's Camp. I was single then. 
travelling with two married couples. I got the last tent available with one caveat: a hippopatamus would awaken 
me every morning at 5 AM, grazing two feet from where I was sleeping (his morning ritual); and a mother elephant frequently nibbled on and shook the tree to which my tent was attached. I was warned. A little scary but I was told 
as long as I didn't panic or yell, my new friends would behave themselves. They did or I wouldn't be telling you this
If you can arrange your trip at a certain time in either the spring or the fall (I went in October), you will catch the
migration south (or north in the spring) of the wildebeast with clusters of zebra traveling at their side for safety. 
This is an extraordinary phenomenon to witness since, by instinct, these animals line up for as far as the eye can see and every 15 minutes or so, they break and their leaders huddle, then shift direction slightly and the stampede continues. Miles and miles of wildebeast in a single line.
Therre are many other wonders to behold - rhinoceros, giraffe, animal skeletons in trees (lugged up by jaguars); lion
kills, a mongoose running away with your pith helmet. Extraordinary. Very different from more manicured safar camps
where one's tent is like a treehouse and animals are watched from that vantage. I understand not everyone wants
a hippopatamus outside their bedroom!
Kelly Welles
Co-chair, Gotham NY Health  & Aging
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Kelly Welles is a Registered Representative and Investment Adviser Representative of Equity Services, Inc.,. Securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by Equity Services, Inc., 733 Third Ave., Suite 200, New York, NY 10017. Tel: 212 986-0400. Member FINRA/SIPC, Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor Affiliate of National Life Insurance Company (NLIC), Montpelier, Vermont. Welles Financial Services is independent of Equity Services, Inc.

From: Vikram Rajan <vik at phoneBlogger.net>
To: "fredslist at gothamnetworking.com" <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:38 AM
Subject: [Fredslist] Safari

Has anybody done an African safari?  
I would love to hear about your itinerary and how you arranged it.

~Vik@ phoneBlogger.net 
Office: 646.845.9170
Cell: 516.642.4100

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