[Fredslist] Gift idea needed for Adult Bat Mitzvah

Jayne Latz jayne at corporatespeechsolutions.com
Fri Dec 27 10:51:33 EST 2013

Hi List,
Happy Holidays!
A very good friend of ours is getting Bat Mitzvahed first weekend in
January. What to buy the woman who has everything?  We want something
Judaic but who better than Gothamites to come up with the perfect gift. Be
generous in your suggestion as we can always ask friends to contribute.
Before we decide, I wanted to ask you for your input.

 Thanks in advance and happy holiday!

Jayne Latz


Office: 212.308.7725
Mobile: 917.841.2965

Email: jayne at corporatespeechsolutions.com
Website:  http://corporatespeechsolutions.com
Blog:  corporatespeechsolutions.com/whats-new


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