[Fredslist] First row tickets Jets-Jaguars 8/17

Rubin, Jeff Jeff.Rubin at hubinternational.com
Sun Aug 11 22:59:52 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I can't use my Jet tickets next Saturday night at Met Life Stadium. 

I have 3 seats in the first row on the Jets sideline in the corner of the end zone plus parking pass. 

The seats are directly next to the visiting team entrance and a great experience for yourself, client or prospect.

The face value is $120 per ticket and $25 parking.  Since it is preseason I will take 50% or $60 per ticket - total $205.

First come, first served.

Go gang green!

Jeff Rubin 
HUB International Northeast
Jeff.rubin at hubinternational.com

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