[Fredslist] Thank you Mitch Tobel and a call to all Lefties

Robert Kammerer rkammerer at cardiolink.net
Thu Aug 8 17:42:11 EDT 2013

I had the pleasure of listening to Gotham's Webmaster, Mitch Tobel, explain
the interesting, important and very useful features of the Gotham Website
TWICE.  Tuesday at the Towers meeting and today at the New York Health and
Aging meeting and both times were quite enjoyable and enlightening.  Thank
you Mitch.

I rode the circuit again today to New York Health and Aging and there was a
full room of long time members, new members and guests.  Many attendees
were also riding the circuit and it was a great mix.

Just want to shout out to all *Lefties* including any new members who may
be Lefties.  Sorry you Righties.  I know you feel LEFT out.   I think it is
time we had another Lefty meeting.  What do you think?  Reply to me or let
our most infamous Lefty, Fred Klein, know what you think.

Thanks for another great Gotham day!


Robert J. Kammerer
CardioLink Corp.
1 North Village Green
Levittown, NY  11756
Tel: 516.997.5465
Fax: 516.520.6234
Toll Free: 1.800.CARDIOLINK
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