[Fredslist] Can you help? Are you looking for Jeff Davis ...?

tom.hanik at ultimateabstract.com tom.hanik at ultimateabstract.com
Sun Sep 23 07:28:36 EDT 2012

Can you help? Are you looking for or know someone who might be looking  
for Jeff Davis? Attached is his resume and below is a helpful  

"I seek an an NYC based Account Management position where I can  
utilize my skill set to nurture the relationship of established  
clients, problem solve, research to find new customers, and liaison  
with various departments in order to help grow the business. I thrive  
on challenge, excel at brain-storming, and soak up knowledge like a  
sponge. Helping people is a trait that is truly ingrained in me, and I  
enjoy mentoring colleagues and networking." - Jeff Davis



A detail-oriented, team player who thrives on challenge and has a  
proven track record of minding the bottom line and helping businesses  
grow. My major strengths include superior communication skills,  
analyzing issues and finding cost-effective and common sense  
solutions, developing, nurturing and growing client relationships, and  
having a strong memory for facts and figures. I function well with  
very little direction, am driven to accomplish tasks in an expeditious  
fashion, and enjoy learning, doing research, brainstorming with and  
mentoring colleagues.


To boldly go where no other applicant with all of these qualifications  
has gone before. To search and obtain the management position in a  
company where I can showcase my broad-based talents. My business  
background encompasses management, business development, customer  
service, marketing and client interaction, as well as networking and  
problem resolution.

Best regards,

Thomas J. Hanik
Senior Title Consultant
Ultimate Abstract of New York, Inc.
51 Allen Boulevard
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(631) 501-9100 office
(631) 501-1370 fax
(516) 376-5655 cell
Email:  tom.hanik at ultimateabstract.com
Web:  www.ultimateabstract.com

Upcoming Events (CLE Seminars):

- Wednesday, 10/10 Ethical Issues That May Arise When Using An Expert Witness;
Location: Champion Office Suites, 1225 Franklin Avenue (Lower Level Conference
Room), Garden City, NY; Time: 8:00am-8:30am Coffee/Registration, 8:30am-9:30am
Seminar; 1.0 CLE credit Ethics and Professionalism: RSVP: cle at esqbank.com

- Wednesday, 10/17 High Tech, High Risk, High Stakes: Key Strategies  
to Protect
You & Your Client; Location: Citrin Cooperman, 529 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY;
Time: 8:00am-8:30am Breakfast/Registration, 8:30am-10:10am Seminar;  1.0 CLE
credit Ethics and Professionalism and 1.0 CLE credit Law Practice Management;
RSVP: events at ultimateabstract.com
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