[Fredslist] thank you for listening

Joshua Zinder jzinder at joshuazinder.com
Sat Sep 15 21:32:34 EDT 2012

Gotham thank you for listening to me rant on this morning and thank you for responding I received over 36 responses.   I would say Renato but if there is anyone else who wants to comment I can leave the faucet open, so I will just say thanks and Gotham is great!!!

All the best,


Joshua Zinder, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB

20 Nassau Street, Suite 25
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
T:609.924.5004 F:609.924.5008

From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com [mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Joshua Zinder
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2012 1:05 PM
To: 'Freds List' (fredslist at gothamnetworking.com)
Subject: [Fredslist] ARGH!!!!!!!!! its Saturday and I feel like venting

To the young Entrepreneur   "small business" = I control my destiny ,my future, my money.
To the IRS "small business" = easy pickings, your money is our money
To the banks "small business" = too big of a risk you don't have enough money
To the government "small business" = great catch phrase to stir everyone up, everyone roots for the small guy, we need to look like the small guy, even though we only support those that are "too big to fail"
So endorse the small guy, but don't lend him any $ and when you can take his money and give it to the big guy absolutely do it.

I don't get it I am being audited for the 3rd time in 4 years they say it is completely random I find that hard to believe.......yes I know it sounds paranoid but you know what they say "just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you"    This sucks!!!!!

I have a good accountant who has done very good job of preventing me from being sucked dry but what the heck.....All of the politicians say "trust me", it is all bullshit not one of them has any clue what is going on in the real world or has any clue how to fix it.  And even if you do elect the "right guy" the massive governmental steam roller is not affected by the minuscule driver, the Fed engine keeps chugging along fed by fuel from the IRS which is squeezed from us as it rolls over us......

Ok I feel a bit better now that I have vented.....

Thanks for listening.


Joshua Zinder, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB

20 Nassau Street, Suite 25
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
T:609.924.5004 F:609.924.5008

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