[Fredslist] CLE - Social Media for attorneys, Sept 19th, Asian Bar Association NY

Vikram Rajan vik at phoneBlogger.net
Wed Sep 12 21:59:33 EDT 2012

Chase and The Asian American Bar Association of New York

Present a CLE Seminar



Vikram Rajan, Practice Marketing, Inc. [phoneBlogger.net]

Margaret T. Ling, Esq., Senior Counsel, Summit Associates

Pauline Yeung-Ha, Esq., Grimaldi & Yeung, LLP

Shimon M. Rosenberg, Chase Mortgage Officer

Nikki Merkerson, Business Development Officer, J.P. Morgan Chase

1 CLE Credit in Professional Practice

Chase Bank

253 Broadway

New York, New York

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

6:00 pm-8:30 pm

The CLE program begins promptly at 7:00pm.
Registration, Networking, and  Light Buffet from 6:00-7:00 pm

PLEASE register* online at www.aabany.org.

FREE CLE for AABANY members and professionals not seeking CLE credit

$20 for Non-Members seeking CLE credit * PRE-REG required for CLE Credit

This event is organized by the Real Estate; Solo/Small Firm; and
Immigration Committees of AABANY.

AABANY is certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board
as an Accredited CLE Provider. This continuing legal education program has
been approved in accordance with the  requirements of the CLE  Board for a
maximum of 1 credit hour, of which 1 credit hour can be applied toward the
Areas of Professional Practice requirement.. This program is suitable for
both transitional and  non-transitional New York Attorneys. Financial aid
is available for eligible attorneys: write to cle at aabany.org.

For more info, contact Margaret Ling, Chair of AABANY Real Estate Committee
at  (margaret.ling at aabany.org)

Cell: 516.642.4100
Office: 646.845.9170
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Cell: 516.642.4100
Office: 646.845.9170

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