[Fredslist] Back from Ghana - pictures!

Dr Josh Wagner drjosh at lifehousechiropractic.com
Tue Sep 11 17:09:37 EDT 2012

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 The Life House<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001fAEiW7ckw5pbAtMzAfNz2wVHHXFLYeW1C5ro4CUl8Np_LckOBr386m5KtPizcMAVlwtS6Kw_1ngR75Re1l98MylNXnOkgsyDR5pW1lj01Rb_B_k0wMRTo-ghfFMDJrig>

19 E 71st

NY, NY 10021<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=h55qcdeab&et=1104522652806&s=96&e=001IdskXorzyBBHRWxSpqc8k5OwMVqJsn8csIELOUXFIjY9PJbESBCrSO5JbRtCV8715Hj4W6T2mF0u0MZRHnVMGCg-o_JGac3F7JgqFNXf0vW9y-Zv7K5CQhA4ih3HQCaE&id=preview>


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 [image: How Does Torque Release
Does Torque Release Work?[image: Visit my
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    *Back from Ghana*

Please enjoy the pictures link below and a brief summary of my experience
this past week.  More pictures in the practice to see as well this coming

The women and children were the most impressive. Without complaint or
dissatisfaction, women worked every minute they were awake to provide for
their family.
Children, with little to no resources, not only always kept themselves
entertained, but with a temperament of joy and wonder.  They were eager to
attend school in the summer when they did not have to in order to learn,
not just socialize.  They never complained, and if they had a problem they
dealt with it on their own, rather than running to parents.  I interpreted
this to be due to their independence from such a young age given to them by
their mother/parents.

Looking back, beside from supporting the community with materials for to
create a new school house, I really don't think they "needed" any outside
help.  With less than 1% of the technology, resources, or finances our
country has, they were self-sufficient, healthy, and content with their

While it was a great experience to see this culture and land, one thing I
am left with is "charity begins at home".

If you're thinking of ways you can give a small portion of your time in a
way that makes a difference while doing something you enjoy, check out the
which has hundreds of opportunities throughout NYC in every
category imaginable for volunteering.
Earlier in the summer I helped developmentally/socially challenged children
learn to swim at the 92nd St Y.

Enjoy the pictures below, and I will be back in practice tomorrow morning,
Tuesday Sept 4th.

Dr Josh

Unfortunately the picture files are too big to attach here, but you can see
some at The Life House FB

*If you go to it, please give it a "LIKE"

Blog: Click HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=a7ixrvkab.0.0.h55qcdeab.0&id=preview&ts=S0817&p=http%3A%2F%2Flifehousechiropractic.com%2Fcategory%2Fblog%2F>


*See The Life House video! *
 *[image: Welcome to The Life
**Welcome to The Life House*

 We are pleased to announce our new video.  To find out what other patients
are saying about their experience and for more information on our practice
and most importantly, what we can do for you, we invite you to visit *The
Life House website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=a7ixrvkab.0.0.h55qcdeab.0&id=preview&ts=S0817&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifehousechiropractic.com>
* to see how we can help you specifically.

*Chiropractic and Children:*

* *

Chiropractic has always produced great results for children with many
conditions, including chronic ear infections.  See the latest article below
to find out how!

*See the article by clicking below:
Chiropractic for Chronic Ear

[image: Dr Josh background personal photo]

Visit our website and see how you or someone you

know can benefit from specialized spinal care.

*The Life House<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=a7ixrvkab.0.0.h55qcdeab.0&id=preview&ts=S0817&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifehousechiropractic.com>

*Dr. Josh Wagner*

The Life House Chiropractic has recently established itself as a center for
helping those suffering not only with pain, but also with chronic health
conditions where the underlying problem may have yet to be found.

We help people who are suffering with insomnia, allergies, high blood
pressure, depression and anxiety, low energy, fibromyalgia, chronic pain,
and even indigestion.  Let us show you how Torque Release Chiropractic,
without any popping or cracking of the spine, can improve your health and
enjoyment of life!

 * *
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19 E 71st St, Suite 5A  New York, NY 10021



info at lifehousechiropractic.com

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The Life House Chiropractic
19 E. 71st St, Suite 5A
NY, NY 10021

(212) 876-3286

Meet Dr Wagner and The Life House<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ3rqbBEFUs>
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