[Fredslist] PROMO: Cheri's Travel Babble #1: Nickels and Dimes

Cheri Elferis cheri.elferis at protravelinc.com
Tue Nov 27 09:18:17 EST 2012

Welcome to the first TRAVEL BABBLE presented weekly by your very own Gotham Travel Agent, Cheri Elferis. I hope that you find these travel tips useful and we welcome your feedback and continued support.

You now pay fees for all sorts of things when you fly - like baggage, meals and early boarding - the airlines are  collecting  nickels and dimes that can really add up. What's next?  Pay more to get off faster? Sit with your companions?  Pay for carry- on baggage?  It's what we can expect more of in 2013.

You don't see these fees when you book on 3rd party websites, like Expedia and Orbitz. You  may not even be aware of them until you get to the airport! I will let you know each time you book, what additional fees you can anticipate - what charges are  shown and which aren't; what's worthwhile paying and what isn't. So - for all your travel needs - speak to a Pro - at Protravel.


Cheri Elferis
Protravel International
515 Madison Avenue - 8th flr
New York NY 10022
Phone:  212-702-2666
Efax: 646-792-3951
Email: cherie at protravelinc.com<mailto:cherie at protravelinc.com>

specialist in the art of travel

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