[Fredslist] [Promo] Looking for Attorneys....

Rachel Lurie rl at lurieinfo.com
Fri Nov 16 10:26:23 EST 2012


..with piles of paper on their floors.   

Do you waste too much time looking for the information you need?


Lurie Information Consulting works with you to analyze your current document
search and retrieval practices within the framework of your own business.  

We offer solutions that change your current time-consuming methods and
replace them with faster and more efficient ways of finding documents.  


Clean up that pile of files on your desk, get rid of the stacks of folders
on your office floor, streamline your server and hard drive, and get a
personalized document

management system that is intuitive to you.


Contact me (RL at LurieInfo.com) before December 1st for a one hour
consultation at the Gotham member introductory price of $50.  



Rachel Lurie, MLS

Lurie Information Consulting, LLC

T: 212-787-5330

rl at lurieinfo.com








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