[Fredslist] Dinner Group Ends a GREAT Year!

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Thu Nov 15 13:34:39 EST 2012

Last night was the final Dinner Group meeting of 2012, and what a year
it has been!


We have had 136 unique visitors, 60 of whom were new to Gotham.


Our group has been reinvigorated by our 16 wonderful new members.


I'd like to thank the 73 circuit riders that visited us and contributed
their Gotham energy! We hope to see you again in 2013.


If you didn't make it to Dinner this year, please put us on your
calendar for next year. We are an open group and would love to see new


I wish you all a happy holiday season and look forward to seeing many of
you at the Cocktail Party on 12/4!




Erin Ardleigh, Dinner Group Coordinator

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com


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