Raj Goel, CISSP raj at brainlink.com
Tue Nov 6 23:37:05 EST 2012

I disagree with voting from our arm chairs.

There's a communal aspect to voting, a social aspect and quite frankly, if we ask or demand that YOUNG MEN & WOMEN FIGHT AND DIE OVERSEAS, than the least we can do, is get off our rears and vote in public.

Besides, we've already seen what voting from our arm chairs brings.

It's called Reality TV, Survivor and internet flame wars.

-- Raj

Raj at brainlink.com

Alexander Suslensky <alex at suslaw.com> wrote:

>At the risk of making some part of government actually efficient and
>user-friendly, why can't we just vote on the internet from the comfort
>of our homes or offices?  If I can press a button at my office and wire
>transfer millions of dollars, why can't I vote the same way?  For those
>not fortunate enough to own a computer, polling stations could still
>exist with computers and - just guessing here - no lines!
>Alexander Suslensky
>Law Firm of Alexander Suslensky, P.C.
>120 East 37th Street
>New York, New York 10016
>Tel. (212) 929-7333
>Fax (212) 929-7102
>Alex at suslaw.com<mailto:Alex at suslaw.com>
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>From: Howard Lipset [mailto:lipset at progressivemanage.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:58 AM
>To: Susan Zinder
>Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
>I had this conversation this morning when I was on line waiting to sign
>the register.
>The problem at my voting place in Port Washington was they had no
>power, and their generators had to restart.
>I was number 82 in my AD to vote but I was the first that the scanner
>actually worked for.
>I was having mental difficulties about whether I actually wanted to
>drop it in a sealed box for them to scan later.
>Further, my ballot had a number on it that corresponded to a number in
>the book that I signed.
>Someone could actually work out not only who I voted for, but who  I
>So much for secret ballots
>I really prefer the old levers.
>On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Susan Zinder
><sfzinder at aol.com<mailto:sfzinder at aol.com>> wrote:
>Gotham - I voted - have you?????
>So... This morning at 9:00 am I went and stood on one line to get
>inside the polling place, another to get to the election district and a
>third to scan in my ballot -- -  Took a half hour and was more chaotic
>than I had ever seen it (2 of the 4 ballot scanners for over 10
>election districts were broken)
>I know I'm generally thought of as "liberal"  but when it comes to the
>subject of voting machines - - I'm not liberal, I'm not conservative,
>I'm downright reactionary!!!
>I MISS THE VOTING MACHINES!!!!!!  You went in to the polling place, the
>line at the election district was shorter - there were 2 machines
>dedicated to the district -(not 4 scanners for 20 districts) - - Signed
>in at the election district (noticed that my original signature was
>legible and 25 years into legal practice my signature has just become
>illegible - -oiy I'm getting old!)
>Oh - - look - that dad just took his son into the booth with him.
>Then.... You walked into the voting booth - and booth it was not a
>table with metal on the sides to keep you from cheating on the exam,
>where there's no room to bring your child once their out of the sling
>or baby bjorn.  Heavy plastic curtains (oiy - they needed to be
>cleaned, but that only meant that they had seen a lot of voting over
>the years) You weren't filling in an SAT, PSAT or LSAT form - but you
>went into a booth with the candidates identified in front of you and
>next to levers, levers and more levers.
>You took the big lever and pulled it to the right - - grrrrr - - it
>said I"m now ready to accept your vote - - and you voted - - - you
>didn't fill in blank ovals, you didn't press out chads - - you pressed
>the levers down - - physical, click was the sound - then you looked -
>did I press the correct levers?   Did I do it right - - wait, let me
>read that proposal, wait - I know I end up voting down a party line but
>that guy is on both party lines, for him I'll be bipartisan (unpress
>one lever, press the other)
>Then check again - - did I do it right?  Hmmm.
>Oh, remember when I went into the voting booth with mom?  Fun mother  -
>daughter time.... OK, I'm taking too long here, want to leave time for
>my neighbors....
>Time to pull the lever at the bottom from the right to the left.  Such
>a big lever -  so satisfying!  And the sound - it tells me - YOU HAVE
>Now... no sound, no acknowledgement, no receipt (at least when I scan
>my check in at the atm, they give me a picture of it) - - not really
>sure I should trust the guy who coded the scanner.
>But... I still voted, and hope for the best for the country. So.... No
>more YEAs for me - -  It should only be yea for the country!!!
>Susan Zinder
>Law Offices of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
>1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
>New York, New York 10036
>(o) 646-380-6715<tel:646-380-6715>
>(c) 917-370-3369<tel:917-370-3369>
>szinder at zinderlaw.com<mailto:szinder at zinderlaw.com>
>Fredslist mailing list
>Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
>Howard Lipset
>Progressive Management Inc
>18 Longwood Road
>Port Washington, NY 11050-1260
>ofc 516 883 2962
>fax 207 433 2771
>Fredslist mailing list
>Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
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