[Fredslist] Used Car Needed

fklein at legal.org fklein at legal.org
Fri Nov 2 12:30:27 EDT 2012

See below
------Original Message------
From: Gail Koelln
To: fklein at vzw.blackberry.net
Subject: Husband's car is totaled
Sent: Nov 2, 2012 12:23 PM


I saw your posting on fredslist today.

A tree fell on Jim's car and totaled it. It also damaged mine, but mine can be fixed and is drive-able.

The tree was just removed last night and we're now waiting for an appraiser to get to us (not easy with all the damaged cars and lack of gas). 

Once we get a check from the insurance company, we'll need to get a used car. It's very difficult for us with only one car. That's where we'll need help.

I'm going to call Marc Halper's cousin, but want to keep other options open too.

Thanks for any assistance from wonderful Gotham,

Gail Koelln, Certified Professional Coach
Coaching Family Members Caring for Elderly Relatives
(718) 776-7284
gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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