[Fredslist] Young Pro's Happy Hour and Next Meeting!!

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Thu May 10 11:34:10 EDT 2012

Hi Gotham,

Next Wednesday, Young Pro's will be having an informal Happy Hour.  It will
be at Traffic Bar on 52nd and 2nd, at 6:30pm.  Drinks specials and great
networking !!!!

Also, our next formal meeting is* May 29th, 7-9pm, at KZR - 485 Madison
Avenue, 15th Floor*.  You've heard great feedback from all the circuit
riders who attended our previous meetings...*come see what the excitement
is about!*

This time, our speaker will be the one and only Jayne Latz, with a
presentation specifically on Communication for Young Professionals.  Here
is more information about the event:

*“Speak for Success: Communication Skills for the Young*

Guest Speaker: Jayne Latz, President of Corporate Speech Solutions, LLC

This workshop is designed to provide valuable techniques that will enhance
your communication skills and ultimately yourself or your business.
Speaking effectively
will impact client relationships and increase your bottom line.

Highlights of the program will include:

   - Training to create a more dynamic speaking voice
   - Learning the skills to add strategic pausing and reduce one’s rate
   of speech when delivering the spoken message
   - Techniques to reduce the excessive use of filler words (uh, um,
   you know…)
   - Improving clarity and enunciation while speaking in person and on the
   - Tips to impress with nonverbal communication

Jayne Latz, M.A., CCC-SLP

Jayne Latz, President of Corporate Speech Solutions, LLC is a licensed
Speech Language Pathologist with over
twenty years of experience specializing in the delivery of speech and
communication services to individuals
and corporations. She is a professional speaker, an author and a coach for
individuals seeking to enhance their
communication skills. Corporate Speech Solutions, LLC specializes on speech
training, pronunciation and voice
improvement, interpersonal communication, foreign and regional accent
reduction, presentation skills and other
critical aspects of business communication. Speaking clearly takes practice
but is an integral part of effective
business communication. Please visit www.corporatespeechsolutions.com for
additional information.

 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282
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