[Fredslist] Please Vote in the National Mobility Awareness Month Local Hero Contest

Amparo Connors Amparo at alliedpersonnel.com
Thu May 10 11:02:43 EDT 2012

I received the request below from the friend of a young woman who needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle.  Please read the compelling story by following the link and vote for Antonella Verderosa of West Hempstead, NY.  Forward to your contacts to help this bright 'Local Hero' win! Thank you; Amparo

Amparo M Connors, President
Allied Personnel Services, Inc., Green Staff NY
NY City & State Certified M/WBE
718.261.7979  ~  516.622.2305  ~  212.451.0235
amparo at alliedpersonnel.com<mailto:amparo at alliedpersonnel.com>

From: mmr [mailto:teragramm4 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 5:45 PM
To: Amparo Connors
Subject: I need your help


National Mobile Awareness Month is sponsoring a contest to see what local hero gets the most votes.  The winner get a fully equipped van to help keep them mobile.  I am asking for your help.  Please vote for  Antonella, she is a friend and very deserving to win.  Just follow the link and  read Antonella's story.  See for yourself how deserving she is of this award, then please cast a vote for her. You are allowed to vote once a day so please take a moment and vote for Antonella.  The promo code is 777.

Please pass the word and have as many friends as you can vote for Antonella.


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