[Fredslist] column on marvel comics and the legacy of stan lee

Anthony M. Verna III averna at kravitzverna.com
Thu May 10 12:15:42 EDT 2012

Books have been written on the legal difficulties that Marvel Comics had in
defending the creation of their characters.  This article from Grantland.com
is no exception, but I highly recommend it for how well it is written:




I am reminded of yesterday's lunch at the Friars Club and how we were asked
for our favorite comic/cartoon character.  


What's difficult, and what I was reminded of in a copyright infringement
suit I was helping with last year in the comic book industry, is that
ownership of comic book characters and stories is highly charged.  The
artists truly treat the work like their children.  The publishers want a
profit.  Comic book companies tend to be sloppy - even today - because
artists have risen through the ranks.  


It's important to understand the path and process of copyrights.  It's
important to make sure that agreements are clear and easy to read, while
being legally fulfilling (to both sides).  


Arguments about the ownership of copyrights and how a company treated a
former employee happen because the work was never properly done at the


Kravitz & Verna LLC

Anthony M. Verna III

 <mailto:averna at kravitzverna.com> averna at kravitzverna.com

Phone/Fax: 212-729-5651



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