[Fredslist] NY Healthcare Group

John Buscarello john at buscarello.com
Wed Mar 14 14:53:05 EDT 2012

Hats off to the NY Healthcare Group for a fantastic luncheon this afternoon.

Not only did Janet Sullivan & Elizabeth Greenberg give an enlightening seminar on "stress management" - but a prospective new member told a story that according to Fred was in the TOP TEN most amazing stories ever told at Gotham (with Gotham celebrating 15 years yesterday that tells you something.) 

Mark your calendar to attend this group's next function - t's truly a special group that needs our support! 

A special thanks to Cynthia Somma who personally invited me to attend!

John A. Buscarello, ASID
John A. Buscarello, Inc. - Interior Design
27 West 20th Street, Suite # 1206
New York, NY 10011
212-691-5881   /   917-796-0101
john at buscarello.com

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