[Fredslist] Gotham Vincent Russo and I need your help!

Leslie A. Berkoff lberkoff at moritthock.com
Tue Mar 13 14:30:48 EDT 2012


Vincent Russo and I would like your help. On July 15 2012 my daughter Chelsea Strickland (a competition dancer) will be running for her Bat Mitzvah project a Dance-a-Thon to benefit the Theresa Foundation; specifically the programs run by Theresa Academy of Performing Arts to bring music, drama and dance to children with special needs. While we will welcome the participation of Gotham members and their families at the event (details to follow) for now we could use some Gotham assistance in the following areas:

-commitment to donate snacks or water for the participants (or funds to procure same)

-someone to assist in printing inexpensive/discounted t-shirts for the participants

-donations of balloons to decorate (or funds to procure the same). 

We are hopeful that with Gothams support and participation this event will be a huge success. Please be a Dance Angel and lend your support.  Just email me and let me know if you can help in anyway. 
Leslie A. Berkoff
400 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
Direct: 516.880.7243 | P: 516.873.2000 | F: 516.873.2010 http://www.moritthock.com


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