[Fredslist] Veteran Entrepreneur

Rick Raymond rickraymond at focusedbusinessleader.com
Wed Mar 7 12:10:17 EST 2012


I am working with a group to help veterans who are considering starting a business learn what that means and get started.  We are scheduling an event for May and are looking for a keynote speaker who is a  (relatively) recent veteran and has started a successful business.
As a keynote speaker we want this person to inspire, and be someone that other veterans would identify with.

Any thoughts or recommendations are appreciated.
All the best,

The Family Business Leader™
Succession Planning, Family Dynamics, Leadership Performance &
Entrepreneurial Development In Family Businesses 

New York, NY • 212-777-0083 (o) • 646-594-5587 (m)

Read my article in the New York Enterprise Report magazine, and listen to my blogtalk radio interview on family businesses.

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