[Fredslist] Do you Hire People??? I Need your feedback on a Research Project

Anne Bonfiglio abonfiglio at fredslist.com
Wed Jan 25 12:43:36 EST 2012

Hello Gothamites,

I am doing a research project for the charity and could use your assistance.

You can help me by kindly hitting  the reply button to answer the
following questions:.

1.  Do you use a headhunter or employment agency when you want to hire?
      IF NO, THANK YOU.  I do not need you to continue.

2.  If you answered yes to (1), what is the typical commission rate
you pay for these services?

3.  How much time do you, as an employer,  spend in the hiring process?

4. How many people do you normally interview before you fill the slot?

5. Have you had one or more employee openings  not filled for a long
period of time, because you could not find the right person?

6. What is the longest period of time it took for you to fill an opening?

7. How many times do you or your company interview the person before
he/she gets hired?

8.  Is this a process you enjoy doing?

End of Survey.
Thank you for your responses.

Anne Bonfiglio, CISA
10 Park Ave 7H
New York, N.Y. 10016
212 684 0281

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