[Fredslist] CT Environmental Attorneys

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Tue Jan 17 10:46:10 EST 2012

This just in from the AGs office


From: Attorney General Site Administrator [mailto:AG_Webmaster at ct.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:32 AM
Subject: Attorney General eAlert: RFPs


RFP#2012-06 UCONN, CSUS, and CCC Regarding Environmental Matters
<http://www.ct.gov/ag/lib/ag/rfps/rfp2012-06uconncsus&ccc.pdf>  The State of
Conencticut, Office of the Attonrey General is seeking proposals to provide
certain legal services regarding environmental matters for the University of
Connecticut, the Board of Regents for Higher Education, Connecticut State
University System and Connecticut Community Colleges. 
PROPOSALS ARE DUE BY February 10, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. local time as detailed
in the RFP
For more information, please visit the Attorney General website:
<http://www.ct.gov/ag/cwp/view.asp?a=2429&Q=494414> &Q=494414


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