Zinder, Susan F. Susan.Zinder at leclairryan.com
Wed Feb 22 10:54:28 EST 2012

Gotham - A very good friend, with very little money, has been contacted
by a company in Los Angeles that is threatening to sue her because they
claim that in June her internet connection was used to download their
pornography without paying.  
Neither she nor her husband did it.  However, because their internet
connection was unsecure at that moment they are still going after her.
She expects to be sued in CT (because that is where they used to live).

She needs someone who can at least call back the lawyer from LA who
contacted her, get a real understanding of their claim and basically
explain why it isn't worth going after this couple.
I also understand that these types of things are going on across the
country and perhaps a Gothamite knows someone or some entity that is
already involved in fighting this type of thing who she can connect

Susan F. Zinder 
Attorney at Law
830 Third Avenue, Fifth Floor 
New York, New York 10022 
(212) 446-5014 Direct 
(212) 446-5034 Fax 
Susan.Zinder at leclairryan.com
http://www.leclairryan.com <http://www.leclairryan.com/>  

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