[Fredslist] A perfect roommate for 2-1/2 months:

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Sun Feb 12 18:31:04 EST 2012

Dear Gotham,


Hoping one of us can help out the 22-year-old daughter of a friend of a
friend who's here from France to intern on a movie:  She needs a place to
stay in Manhattan, so that she can be at work at 5 a.m. -- and she works


>From my friend Jacqui:  


Caroline, the 22-year-old daughter of a colleague of my brother's, needs a
place to stay until the end of April. She is interning in film production in
Manhattan working on the new James Gray movie. She's already been offered a
full-time position after she completes her degree, which gives you a clue to
her ability to show up and work her ass off, just for starters. It's quite
an adventure: She lives in France, but is obviously a citizen of the world,
and from what I can see, New York is lucky to have her visit us early in her
career. She is fluent in French, English, and speaks conversational Spanish.


Jacqui says Caroline's able to pay rent - and that her mother is willing to
trade time on the Riviera!  (A friend of Jacqui's can only be first class!)


Please respond to Jacqui Bishop directly:  C:  (914) 659-2512, H/W:  (914)
997-9611, or  fortunatewoman at gmail.com.  




Phyllis E. Dubrow

Attorney at Law

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600 | New York, New York  10165-0043

T: (212) 661-2885 | F: (212) 409-8682 | E: pdubrow at pipeline.com


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