[Fredslist] Amazing Media Exposure For You

Mitchell Tublin mitchtublin at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 09:35:11 EST 2012

Gotham Community -
Right now giving back to my local community by volunteering
in a new membership drive for The Stamford Chamber of Commerce.  
Here is the deal, if you want to become known and conduct business
in this part of Connecticut, SW Region and parts of Westchester,
look below at the FREE media exposure being given away for any
new members who join during this drive.
PLUS there are numerous events, referrals, new business owners to meet
and more.  READ BELOW and contact me if you are interested.
Mitch Tublin 203-561-2955
 Stamford Chamber of Commerce 2012 Membership Drive
Why Join Now? 
Over $4,300 in Special Incentives*:
FREE: (to 12 new members) :10     second commercials value is $900 from Cox
FREE ¼ page advertising in The Stamford Times value $505 OR
a     3x 5 in ad in The Hour     value $512
FREE two 1/8 page ads in FFCBJ and WCBJ ( Fairfield     and Westchester County Business Journals in the Gallery section)     plus 12 week subscription Value $1500
FREE 2 x 5 inch ad in The Advocate $561 OR Greenwich Time
FREE set of Chamber Mailing Labels     (900 Prospects), $175 value
FREE BOLD listing on the Chamber website     $50 value
FREE Admittance: 2 Season Passes for Business     After Hours (1 yr) $200 value 
FREE Pass for New Member Orientation     $15.00
FREE Pass to a Chamber's popular     Brown Bag Seminar $10.00
FREE Profile on Chamber E-     Newsletter (1 per company) $150 value
FREE Flyer Insert into the Chamber's     newsletter, $250 value 
*(whenmembership is paid by credit card before 2/29/12)
And more!!
(must attend 3 events)
How much will it cost you? For most small businesses,
That’s 92 cents a day. And it’s tax deductible…check with your CPA, of course.
You can pay by credit card when you contact me.
REMEMBER - this is a special - once a year opportunity for NEW MEMBERS.
Contact Mitch 203-561-2955  to sign up today.  AMAZING!!! 
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