[Fredslist] Fwd: Follow up - Important News Story

IrisWolinsky at aol.com IrisWolinsky at aol.com
Sat Feb 4 14:00:23 EST 2012

Hi All,
   On Thursday this week, Rabbi Menachem Youlus pleaded  guilty in 
Manhattan Federal Court on two counts, wire fraud and mail fraud,  in connection 
with his misrepresentations of rescuing torahs from Europe.   Article is in 
Friday's NY Times, pg A20.  
 From: IrisWolinsky at aol.com
To: IrisWolinsky at aol.com
BCC:  fredslist at gothamnetworking.com, campbell.chere at gmail.com,  
cherecampbell at earthlink.net, lrandleman at hvc.rr.com, owsla at ymail.com,  
greenfield.laura at gmail.com, dianerc2002 at yahoo.com
Sent: 8/26/2011 9:26:30  A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Follow up - Important News Story

Hi Gothamites,
  A number of you read with interest my good friend Jeff Lunden's  breaking 
news story in the Washington Post of Jan. 2010, about a rabbi  who 
misrepresented having rescued torahs from the Holocaust, then selling  them to 
various synagogues and organizations....  See update  below - that article led to 
the rabbi being indicted.  The radio  interview ( 5 min.) was last night, 
but I just heard it on npr.org -  Programs - All Things Considered - click 
Aug 25 on calendar and scroll  down near end of list for Jewish Indiana Jones 
interview with Jeff.  Also  below is link to Jeff's follow-up W. Post 
article yesterday.   


Iris  Wolinsky
Attorney Arbitrator Mediator
227 Riverside Drive
New York,  NY 10025
(212) 865-0505 Tel & Fax
(917) 716-7690  Cell
iriswolinsky at aol.com

Fwd: On All Things Considered this evening

 From: jefflunden@

To: jefflunden@
Sent: 8/25/2011 12:53:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: On All  Things Considered this evening

Hi all - 

I've got a very different story on  tonight's All Things Considered.  
Robert Siegel is interviewing me  about the recent Federal indictment of Rabbi 
Menachem Youlus for  fraud.  He sold Torahs he claimed to have rescued - often 
in a very  dramatic manner - from European communities which had been 
destroyed in the  Holocaust.  He has been dubbed the "Jewish Indiana Jones."  
Dozens  of synagogues and donors purchased the scrolls, believing his stories 
to be  true.  It turned out they were all lies and that Youlus personally  
pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars.  He's even charged with  embezzling 
from his own charitable foundation!  The investigation was  begun after 
Martha Wexler and I wrote an expose in the Washington Post  Magazine about him 
in January 2010.

Here's my article from the  Washington Post today:


And  here's the story Martha and I wrote in 2010:


Been  quite a  ride.




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