[Fredslist] SeaQuest Summer Program, Sandy Hook

Rick Raymond rickraymond at focusedbusinessleader.com
Sun Apr 29 21:37:00 EDT 2012

Summer Bech Program for Kids on Sandy Hook.

I'm on the Board of the American Littoral Society which is running a summer program for kids on Sandy Hook in New Jersey.  ALS has for the past 50 years been working to support fishermen, protect shore access, and educate people about coastal resources.  The summer program for kids, 5th -8th grade, utilizes the coastal forests, and 7 miles of beaches and dunes of Sand Hook.

I attached the program brochure.

Rick Raymond

The Family Business Leader™
Succession Planning, Family Dynamics, Leadership Performance &
Entrepreneurial Development In Family Businesses 

New York, NY • 212-777-0083 (o) • 646-594-5587 (m)

Read my article in the New York Enterprise Report magazine, and listen to my blogtalk radio interview on family businesses.

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