[Fredslist] Tribal Trifecta: Another Stellar Sponsor!

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Sat Apr 7 12:55:22 EDT 2012

Diversity member Lou Camhe does us all proud. On behalf of Dversity, thank you Lou and our heartfelt congratulations for this generous contribution and all the contributions you have made to Gotham over the years be they monetary, humanitarian or the countless 'irrational acts of kindness' the make you and Gotham a spsecial force for a better, kinder, gentler, friendlier world.
Kelly Welles
Chair, Diversity
Recipient, 2006 co-networker of the year

Kelly Welles, President           
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants 
Specializing in Insurance and Benefits
733 Third Avenue @46th St. Suite 200 
New York, NY 10017
Cell   917-626-8590
Fax   212-541-5900
Business & Personal Financial Strategies

Kelly Welles is a Registered Representative and Investment Adviser Representative of Equity Services, Inc.,. Securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by Equity Services, Inc., 733 Third Ave., Suite 200, New York, NY 10017. Tel: 212 986-0400. Member FINRA/SIPC, Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor Affiliate of National Life Insurance Company (NLIC), Montpelier, Vermont. Welles Financial Services is independent of Equity Services, Inc.

From: "fklein at legal.org" <fklein at legal.org>
To: Freds List <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>; GC List <gclist at gothamnetworking.com>; Film Festival <filmfestival at gothamnetworking.com> 
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: [Fredslist] Tribal Trifecta: Another Stellar Sponsor!

It is becoming contagious. Hats off and thanks to Lou Camhe's USG&E for hitting the Tribal Trifecta by stepping up to sponsor our Gotham Bombers softball team, the Bob Formica Outing and our Film Festival!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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