[Fredslist] Please Make Us Look Good

fklein at legal.org fklein at legal.org
Fri Apr 6 12:02:11 EDT 2012

Vogue contact needed. Please see below. Thanks
------Original Message------
From: Rachel Edelsberg
To: fklein at kleinzelman.com
Subject: Fred's List Request
Sent: Apr 6, 2012 11:49 AM

Hi Fred,

It was so great meeting you last night at the New York State Bar
Association Business Law Committee meeting. I loved hearing your
networking advice, especially your "dare to be great" attitude, which
I think is more than half the battle to success.

Last night you mentioned that Fred's List is a useful resource for
finding contacts and I was hoping you may help me with a slightly
unusual search. A friend wants to bring an edition of Vogue Magazine
to Israel but needs a contact person at the magazine to pitch the
idea. Vogue Magazine is published by Conde Nast and the research we've
done so far suggests someone positioned in the UK office would be best
situated to help. It would be incredible if someone on Fred's List
knows someone that could get us closer to a contact that might help.

Thanks again for sharing your advice and life stories last night. I
thoroughly enjoyed the meeting.

Have a great weekend,

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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