[Fredslist] Ear to the Earth - a special event

Sherry Rivera sherryrivera1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 22:53:43 EDT 2012

I am forwarding this on behalf of one of our GOtham Green members, Joel
Chadabe.  He is involved with the Electronic Music Foundation.  He would
like to share this event with Gotham members.

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*Electronic Music Foundation invites you to a book release reception ... *

*Sunday, April 15, 2pm

Greenwich House Music School
46 Barrow Street
New York*

 Walter Branchi
          *Canto Infinito*

Thinking Music Environmentally

 [image: ”]

Catherine Hyland will read excerpts from the book,

Walter Branchi will present three compositions of electronic and
environmental sounds ...

*Esercizio sull'ineffabile*
*Mysterium tremendum et fascinans*

and we invite you to a reception in the meeting room and garden for book
signing and refreshment.

 · · · · ·

Prize-winning electronic music pioneer in Italy, landscape designer and
world reknowned expert
in Tea, China and Noisette Roses, author of several books on music, Walter
Branchi relates his music
to an ecological view of the world. Edited by Michela Mollia, published by
Open Space,
*Canto Infinito* is a major statement of Branchi's thoughts on music and
the world.
He writes of his music: "It does not necessarily have to be performed in
specifically constructed,
reserved, protected spaces, nor does it need those alternative spaces, such
as airports,
stadiums or churches. It is a music interwoven into a network of
interdependent relationships
with the world and therefore can happen anywhere ..."

· · · · ·

Please let us know if you plan to join us and how many people you will be.
Click the following link and send.

*Yes, I plan to join you!* <eartotheearth at emf.org?subject=yeswalterbranchi>


Ear to the Earth is a registered trademark of Electronic Music Foundation,

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*Sherry Rivera*
LEED Green Associate
Indoor Air Quality, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
100 North Village Avenue Suite 21
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
516 458-5384 Mobile
516 594-1400 Office
sherryrivera1 at gmail.com
<sherryrivera1 at gmail.com>sherry at envirron.com
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