[Fredslist] UK VISA. - Need Help

gsodhi at executivefinancinggroup.com gsodhi at executivefinancinggroup.com
Wed Sep 28 13:30:53 EDT 2011

To: "fredslist" <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>

Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 16:57:41 
Subject: UK Embassy - Visa Help

Hello Gothamites, 


I am traveling to London next week and need to talk to someone at the UK
Embassy in regards to obtaining a Visa.  Does anyone in our group have any
connections or links to them and can help me expedite this?  Any leads or
help will be appreciated.  I have been going in circles with my travel
agent.  Thank you.


Gurmeet K. Sodhi

Gurmeet K. Sodhi

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