[Fredslist] FW: One Day University -- satisfy your intellectual curiosity

David Abeshouse davidlaw at optonline.net
Wed Sep 21 14:00:59 EDT 2011




This morning, I received the e-mail below from the founder of One Day
University.  He asks that we spread the word about ODU, and I think that's a
good idea, as I've enjoyed using their product/service several times over
the past few years, and have registered for another one in early October.
Essentially, they provide you with about a dozen choices and you select 4 or
5 one-hour-long courses on varying topics of interest (for example:
neuroscience, politics, literature, psychology, history, art, medicine, law)
taught by popular Ivy-quality professors - all in one day.  There are other
variations on this scenario, but that's the basic set-up.  I can think of
only one relative "clunker" among all of the hour-long classes I've taken,
and it probably was only because that one paled in comparison to the others,
some of which were stellar (both literally - astronomy - and figuratively).


When I took my first ODU course, the pre-recession price was literally
multiples of what they're charging now, and the quality has remained
consistent.  I took my daughter to one day of classes while she was a high
school senior to give her some insight into what college classes can be like
(although admittedly these are better, because they are presented by the
most popular professors at elite universities, and they jettison the dull
minutae and tend to provide either an in-depth investigation into a single
question or a comprehensive overview of a broader topic).  I went to one day
of courses on my own.  I also took a friend/colleague to another session a
couple of years ago, and he still talks about it enthusiastically.  And in
early October, I'll be taking my wife and daughter to another (this one's a
shorter evening event).  


You can't beat the quality, new discounted price, or the mental stimulation.
I encourage you to check it out, as I doubt you'd be disappointed.  See
below for current offering details. 


Best regards, 



Gotham L.I. 


David J. Abeshouse

Law Office of David Abeshouse 

626 RXR Plaza

Uniondale, New York 11556 

Ph: 516-229-2360 | Fax: 516-229-2361 

Business Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution | Arbitrator/Mediator

 <mailto:David at BizLawNY.com> David at BizLawNY.com |  <http://www.BizLawNY.com>

View my profile on:
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Selected as one of L.I. Pulse magazine's 2011 Top Long Island Legal Eagles:
The Top-Rated Attorneys (category: Alternative Dispute Resolution) 


Selection criteria: Independent lawyer peer review ratings from the
Martindale legal directory (A-V Preeminent/5.0 out of 5.0 ranking)  



From: One Day University [mailto:james at onedayu.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of One
Day University
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 8:04 AM
To: davidlaw at optonline.net
Subject: Hope you can help One Day U (and me)


 Header <http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs086/1102463500212/img/12.gif> 


Dear One Day University Students,

  On Sunday, October 16th at the New York Hilton, we'll be hosting our Fall
One Day University with twelve great professors offering twelve fascinating
classes - see the full detailed schedule for the day at the bottom of this
  I honestly think this will be the very best event we've ever run since I
founded One Day University five years ago. It's truly a great group of
renown professors and fascinating topics. That's why I'm hoping you can help
me tell as many people as possible about this event. Here's how:

1) If you have friends who you think would enjoy the event, please forward
this email and let them know about it. They can register and pay your
discounted price of $99 by using coupon code "Friend" at our website
uWk7-csHlOLRD7J6nex4u_fnBFeHtEhdBeACN7tGzGtEkaiosBEMInP_E=>  or by calling

2) If you know of any book clubs, companies, etc who might like their own
special discount code, please contact me directly. My personal email is
Steven.Schragis at gmail.com. Any group at all - I'd really love to hear from

   Thanks so much. If you're a fan of One Day University I'd certainly
appreciate your help, that's why I hope you'll contact me. Like I said - I'd
love to hear from you!

Steven Schragis 
Founder/One Day University 

P.S. - If you haven't registered yet, just call 1-800-219-1815 or CLICK HERE
uWk7-csHlOLRD7J6nex4u_fnBFeHtEhdBeACN7tGzGtEkaiosBEMInP_E=> . Your special
returning student code is FE99 - that's how you pay just $99 instead of the
full $279 price.




9:00am  - 10:00am

Craig Wright/Yale - Music and Your Brain

Robert Bell/Williams - Five Classic Novels Every Book Lover Should Read

Wendy Schiller/Brown - What's wrong with Congress? How an 18th Century
Structure fails to Meet 21st Century Needs

10:15 - 11:15

David Helfand/Columbia - Is There Life on Other Planets? How Do We Know
Akhil Amar/Yale - Who Were Our Best (and Worst) Presidents (and Why)
Larry Temkin/Rutgers - No Right Answers: Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Society

11:30 - 12:30

Noam Elcott/Columbia - What's So Great About Picasso
Wendy Schiller/Brown - What's wrong with Congress? How an 18th Century
Structure fails to Meet 21st Century Need
Catherine Sanderson/Amherst - The Science of Happiness

1:30 - 2:30

James Maas/Cornell - Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sleep (but
were too tired to ask)

Stephanos Bibas/University of  Pennsylvania - What Really Goes On at The
Supreme Court

Chuck Freilich/Harvard - The New Middle East: What's Changed, and What Has

2:45 - 3:45

Richard Pious/Columbia - FDR and the Path to WWII: What We Know Now That We
Didn't Know Then
Charles Freilich/Harvard - The New Middle East: What's Changed, and What Has
Catherine Sanderson/Amherst - The Science of Happiness



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One Day U | 443 Park Avenue South | Suite 501 | New York | NY | 10016


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