[Fredslist] Fwd: A Note for those who are connected to Arleen Kahn

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Sun Sep 11 21:34:07 EDT 2011

I'm sure lots of Gothamites knew Arleen.  In case you didn't already hear =(

 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Hope this email finds you well. I apologize to share sad news before the
weekend but wanted to be sure to pass along the email I received below from
various members of the Terrace Club that knew and were connected to Arleen

I know many of us knew Arleen in some way or another as she was not only a
true New York networker, but such a driven individual ready and willing to
help anyone she came in contact with whether it was providing a referral or
business advice or just simply giving you encouragement to keep the good
work up in this city that is constantly changing and throwing new hurdles
yet opportunities at us all the time.

She unfortunately passed away this past week. The Terrace Club and friends
of Arleen will be hosting an informal memorial service this coming Wednesday
at 6PM if you would like to attend.

Kind regards, Kathryn

From: Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 4:08 PM
RE: Sad News About Arleen

I am so sorry to have to tell you all the sad news that Arleen passed away
yesterday.  She had been in and out of the hospital several times over the
last few months and this time she didn't make it out.  As I'm sure you all
know, she was a very determined woman - a force to be reckoned with, and an
especially positive and upbeat person.  Those of you who heard from her
recently (after I sent the email message about her situation a few weeks
ago) know that she remained positive to the end. She was determined not to
let this illness change her attitude, or to have anyone feel sorry for her
or worry about her.  After she finished yelling at me for sending that email
... she did tell me how much she appreciated all your kind thoughts and
wishes, and was touched by the financial contributions some of you sent.  I
want to thank you again on her behalf.

(In fact I received 2 checks that were not yet deposited and I hope it is ok
with you to have those used towards her final arrangements).  There is a
very dear old friend of hers who is working on making those arrangements.  I
am hoping to talk to her tonight and will send you more information once I
have it.

I hope you each have an Arleen memory that makes you smile or laugh that you
will think of now and in the future.  I'm sure that's the way she would want
to be remembered.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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