[Fredslist] tax question for CPA sharing responses

Katalin Goencz katalin at medbillsassist.com
Thu Sep 1 09:52:17 EDT 2011

>From my professional association  -ACAP-There isn't a clear answer- some use it as a deduction under tax preparation

Jeff Spiegel CPA is a definite no

Burton M Fendelman & Associates, LLC 

The services you describe are only medically related but not medical per se.  They appear to be only elective personal expenses.  My opinion, not deductible as an itemized expense.


I don't think it's a medical expense. However, I do think it's a Miscellaneous Itemized Deduction as a Professional Fee in connection with the preservation of income.

Eric Scheer CPA 

Aspects of your work may be similar to the function of an attorney or collection agency who helps you recover monies due your clients which they would not be able to recover otherwise. This may be able to be treated as an expense to protect or recover assets which would be considered a miscellaneous expense subject to the 2% AGI limitation.

Warren M. Bergstein, CPA, AEP 
Although I know you provide a valuable service, I do not believe these services come within the definition of medical expenses for tax purposes.  



Katalin Goencz CIC
Medical Reimbursement Specialist
Phone: 203-569-7610 

Cell: 203.570.3904
Fax: 203.973.0367
 <mailto:katalin at medbillsassist.com> katalin at medbillsassist.com
 <http://www.medbillsassist.com/> http://www.medbillsassist.com/

P Think of the environment  

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From: Debra Adler [mailto:dadler97 at aol.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:48 PM
To: katalin at medbillsassist.com
Subject: Re: [Fredslist] tax question for CPA


Great! Appreciate it!


-----Original Message-----
From:  <mailto:katalin at medbillsassist.com> katalin at medbillsassist.com
To: Debra Adler < <mailto:dadler97 at aol.com> dadler97 at aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 1:28 pm
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] tax question for CPA

I did get a lot of answers.  Many are contradictions.  I will summarize them for my client.  I will be happy to send you a copy once my internet is back. 



From: Debra Adler
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 12:27 PM
To:  <mailto:katalin at medbillsassist.com> katalin at medbillsassist.com
Subject: Re: [Fredslist] tax question for CPA

Did you get an answer?  Am curious.


-----Original Message-----
From: Katalin Goencz < <mailto:katalin at medbillsassist.com> katalin at medbillsassist.com>
To: Fredslist, Gotham < <mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com> fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Sat, Aug 27, 2011 8:45 pm
Subject: [Fredslist] tax question for CPA

Clients often ask me if my services considered “medical-related” and therefore can be deducted from taxes.   So, I would like to give them a correct answer, instead of my “usual- check with your accountant”.


What I do?   Send medical claims to insurance companies, write appeal letters, follow up on submitted claims,  help people decide which and how much medical insurance they personally need,  advise and navigate Medicare and all its parts (A,B,C, D, plus supplement), arrange prior authorizations, research specialist, work with doctors to ensure proper coding, negotiate medical bill balances, correspond with any and all medical insurance issues with medical providers, insurance companies, collection agencies, etc.   

I am using medical here as a generic term, but it also includes dental, vision, medical equipment, pet insurance and other odds and ends. 


So, the question is: can any of these services be claimed on the tax return as a deductible expense? 


Katalin Goencz CIC
Medical Reimbursement Specialist
MedBillsAssist  a division of O&K Consulting

1127 High Ridge Rd # 261

Stamford, CT 06905
Phone: 203-569-7610 

Cell: 203.570.3904
Fax: 203.973.0367
 <mailto:katalin at medbillsassist.com> katalin at medbillsassist.com
 <http://www.medbillsassist.com/> http://www.medbillsassist.com/


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P Think of the environment  

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