[Fredslist] Free Office Furniture

Scott Bloom Sbloom at bloomreg.com
Tue May 31 09:55:19 EDT 2011

From a customer of mine, below. 

From Scott M. Bloom:

We did not inherit the Earth from our parents...we are borrowing it from our greatgrandchildren.  

Bloom Real Estate Group  
Office # 212-342-7444
Blackberry # 917-327-2109 

Powerhouse Business Brokers www.powerhousebb.com  

Viridian Energy


-----Original Message-----
From: yeo-ny at yahoogroups.com <yeo-ny at yahoogroups.com>
To: yeo-ny at yahoogroups.com <yeo-ny at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue May 31 09:49:39 2011
Subject: [yeo-ny] Don't reply to all! free furniture


We just moved to new space (worked with EO’er Scott Bloom on the transaction and he did a great job for us).  We need to clear out the old space by today, we 9 have 9 desks, one high end workstation with shelves, large filing cabinets (6 feet high, 5 draws), supply locker.  If you aren’t interested, but know a used furniture place that could come today, let me know.

Lou Person - President
brightstack, LLC
212.812.9450 x114
lou at brightstack.com
www.brightstack.com <http://www.brightstack.com/> 


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